The S.H.I.P. - CIE's Six High Impact Programmes
The Centre for International Education or CIE is launching an ambitious programme to take the twin problem of poverty and functional illiteracy head on. It is launching its tightly integrated and focused programmes they fondly call: S.H.I.P.S.H.I.P. stands for Six High Impact Programmes that will deliver the short- and long-term response to poverty and illiteracy.
Short-term Programmes
Addresses the problems of poverty and illiteracy at the most immediate level:
Entrepreneurial Tourism
Entrepreneurial Tourism focuses on benefits not only for tourists, but also for people in the communities they visit and for their respective natural, social and cultural environments.
With the Pinoy Backpackers’ Club as main partner and network, CIE spearheads the formulation of tourism agendas for localities anchored on their natural environment, history and folklore as an instrument for the preservation of culture. It provides the opportunity for home grown entrepreneurs to invest in suitable backpacker amenities such as bed and breakfast stops, souvenir shoplets, and other affordable but value-added to the tourist on a budget.
CIE formulates tourism agendas within the prevailing business milieu by harnessing indigenous talents, business products and ideas to maximize benefits to local communities. CIE seeks to spread the economic benefits to the poor addressing poverty by the creation of wealth.
English Language Programme (ELP)
ELP is an internationally benchmarked English as a Second Language programme designed by CIE. It uses the most effective techniques of developing and improving the skills and proficiency of English language learners that suit various proficiency levels of students.
The teaching-learning approach pervades students with personal and individual attention throughout the programme and access to the language.
ELP adapts recognized curricula, including the NCC English Language Framework (ELF) which is awarded by NCC Education and the London Chambers of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board (LCCIEB), and the Young Learners of English (YLE) under the Cambridge English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL).
Using these frameworks, students receive adequate preparation to study or begin a career or seek employment overseas. They acquire the ability to speak and write using the internationally accepted standard of the English Language.
NGOs, POs, Cooperatives and individual partners can set up an English Language Centre to make the internationally benchmarked ELP accessible to underserved communities in the country.
Technical Skills Training (TeST)
The programme seeks to provides skills which students need to work in Information Technology fields and data communication. It focuses on the development of competence for employment or starting a business enterprise in the community.
The programme adapts the best practices and recent trends in content delivery where self-paced, student-centered learning and instructor-led delivery are used to cater to the needs of both students and teachers.
The course introduces students to IT and data communications, and develops necessary skills to enter this field. This hands-on, internet-based and laboratory-oriented programme will help prepare the students for certification by CompTIA, the leading association representing the international technology community that advances industry growth through standards, professional competence, education and business solutions.
CIE trains teachers and institutions on content, monitoring students’ progress and best instructional practices in delivering the programme to their local communities at least cost.
Long-term Programmes
These programmes seek to eradicate the root causes of poverty and illiteracy at the more strategic level.
The Pearl Principle Formation School System
The first 6 years in a child’s life, the early childhood stage, is the most crucial because it is within this period that the foundation of one’s PERSONHOOD is laid out. The PPFS is a parallel school system that offers pre-school education with a strong bias on Reading and Comprehension, Writing, Mathematics and English as a Second Language.
The PPFS System uses a curriculum validated by a system-wide Quality Assurance, known as Global Examinations and Qualifications (GEQ). Designed by curriculum experts from leading private schools, less privileged students are assured of better quality education. It is administered using a curriculum that is consistent with quality standards, and supported by first-rate teacher training offered at a very affordable cost.
Teacher Enrichment and Competence Enhancement (TEACH) is designed to provide various courses to prepare both classroom teachers and school administrators for the drive for massive literacy for the changing state of affairs in the teaching world.
TEACH sets performance standards for the skills, knowledge, attitude and understanding that are required in order to be competent, confident and productive in a teaching role.
TEACH shall be offered at the CIE campus on scholarships and matching grants.
Educational Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Fund (ESTFAF)
The Educational Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Fund is a socialized approach to tuition fee administration. The fund shall be used to provide equal opportunity for the well-to-do and the less privileged in the access of international quality education which CIE offers.
CIE, as the only International Associate Partner of the University of Cambridge, UK in the Philippines, accredited Cambridge ESOL and NCC Education UK partner, among others, seeks to level the playing field for students who are intellectually endowed. Students from well-to-do families will pay full tuition fees while those from the middle-income families shall be subsidized according to their financial capability.
CIE believes that quality education and tuition administration should be rationalized that is why ESTFAF was created.